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Workfoce Development Dayton

PowerNet of Dayton

184 Salem Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45406
(937) 225-3120

PowerNet of Dayton offers programs for formerly incarcerated individuals who want to live healthy, productive, law-abiding lives. The PowerNet of Dayton program offers case management, mentoring, group intervention, and referral services to faith-based and community programs to assist the ex-offender with re-entry issues. The services offered by PowerNet of Dayton aide the ex-offender in developing job seeking and retention skills.

The Job Center Ohio Means Jobs Montgomery County – 937-225-JOBS (5627)   OhioMeansJobs | Montgomery County defines its core customers as employers and job seekers. It provides a single place where employers can access a pool of qualified, job-ready workers. In addition, job seekers can access job information, training programs and other services needed for employment and career development.  OhioMeansJobs | Montgomery County, is the largest one-stop employment and training center in the United States. This public/private partnership is made up of forty plus organizations housed in an 8.5 acre facility.

Montgomery County Library Community and Economic Development  - 937-463-2665 JOB SEEKERS is a long-running Library program realizing impressive results. Designed for those who are new to the job market, transitioning, or returning after a long absence, each month expert presenters discuss topics that can range from current trends in resumes and interview skills, to work and volunteer opportunities that support career goals.

United Rehabilitation Services of Greater Dayton  - 937-223-1230 Our mission in Employment Services is to enhance the lives of the individuals we serve and communities in which we live through work-related training and activities. Our program offers a broad range of assessment, training and job placement services to adults and high school students to ensure our participants are equipped with the job skills, self-confidence and one-on-one supports they need to reach their personal employment goals and achieve financial independence.